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All Rules in Combat Options

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Source Pathfinder Unchained pg. 234
Monsters with high Dexterity tend to take quick combat options, many of which increase mobility.

Accuracy: Increase the monster’s attack bonuses by 2.

Combat Reflexes: The monster can make up to five attacks of opportunity each round, and can make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.

Deflect Projectiles: When not flat-footed, the monster deflects one ranged attack per round.

Dodge Expert: Increase the monster’s AC by 2 and its touch AC by 4. Decrease its flat-footed AC by 6.

Evasion: When the monster succeeds on a Reflex saving throw against an effect that normally deals half damage on a successful save, the monster instead takes no damage. At CR 8, it also takes only half damage if it fails its save.

Extra Attack: The monster gains one additional melee or ranged attack at its highest bonus, but reduces its attack bonus by 2 with all attacks of that type. Use this option for monsters that use two-weapon fighting.

Far Shot: Double all the monster’s range increments and reduce the monster’s penalties on ranged attacks from range increments by half.

Fast Reload: The monster can reload a ranged weapon that normally takes a move or standard action to reload as a free action. When it reloads a ranged weapon, it doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Firearm Savvy: The monster’s firearm attacks target touch AC when firing beyond the first range increment. As a move action, the monster can remove the broken condition from a firearm caused by a misfire.

Improved Initiative: Increase the monster’s initiative bonus by 4.

Mobile Attack: The monster can move its speed and make an attack (either melee or ranged, chosen when the monster gains this option) at any point during its movement as a full-round action. The monster can use this ability with any of its movement modes.

Mobility: The monster gains a +4 bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity.

Mounted Master: The monster deals double damage on a mounted charge, halves its penalties on ranged attacks for being mounted, and grants its mount a +4 bonus to AC.

Precise Shot: When making a ranged attack, the monster ignores the –4 penalty for attacking an opponent engaged in melee as well as the target’s AC bonuses from cover and concealment (except total cover or total concealment).

Swap Places: The monster can swap positions with an adjacent ally as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Uncanny Dodge: The monster can’t be caught flat-footed.

Whirlwind Attack: The monster can make an attack against each creature within reach at its highest attack bonus as a full attack.